University of Maribor



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Mariborska univerza
Slomškov trg 15, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 235 5280
Past events

When it was formally established in 1975, the University of Maribor became Slovenia's second largest university. It is a regionally-oriented yet European institution. It currently comprises 17 faculties, 198 study programmes, and more than 24,000 students. Several international seminars have been hosted by individual faculties.


The tradition of higher education in Maribor dates back to 1859, when the Lavantinian Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek transferred the episcopal seat from St Andrew in the Labot Valley Carinthia to Maribor, and soon after that announced the establishment of the Slovene Theological College. The direct predecessor of today's University of Maribor was the Association of Colleges of Higher Education, established in 1961, which incorporated 6 higher vocational schools that had been set up during the previous three years. Thereafter Maribor became a strong seat of learning. In 1975 these 6 institutions were combined to form the University of Maribor.

In 2006 the former Academy of Education (Pedagoška akademija) was transformed into three faculties: the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Faculty of Education.

International cooperation

The University of Maribor is actively engaged in both bilateral and multilateral international co-operation. It has signed co-operation agreements with partner universities in Albania, Argentina, Australia, China, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Austria (6), Bosnia and Herzegovina (3), Croatia (4), the Czech Republic (2), Denmark (2), France (5), Germany (5), Hungary (2), Italy (2), Japan (2), the USA (11), and Serbia (2).

Multilateral academic co-operation activities include membership in international higher education institutions; participation in European Union projects such as TEMPUS, CEEPUS and SOCRATES, as well as projects of other international organisations and agencies like the Council of Europe, UNESCO, and The British Council; the annual organisation of the international cultural and historical symposium MODINCI; and the organisation of summer schools (International Summer University "Europe of Regions" in Bovec, Alps-Adria International Summer University).

In the academic year 2002–2003 the University of Maribor chaired the Rectors' Conference of Alps-Adria and took over the co-ordination of the website. The University's International Academic Relations Office also has a resource library with prospectuses and calendars of foreign universities plus extensive information on higher education abroad. This office provides information on criteria and admission requirements for undergraduate and graduate studies at the University of Maribor for foreign students and offers them counselling and guidance concerning their integration into the new learning environment and culture.

See also

External links

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Mariborska univerza +
46.559 +
Mariborska univerza +
15.643 +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Slomškov trg 15 +
When it was formally established in 1975, the University of Maribor became Slovenia's second largest university. +
When it was formally established in 1975, the University of Maribor became Slovenia's second largest university. +
+386 / 2 235 5280 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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